Am I POSITIVE? - Yes, I am!!!!! Optimism is good for everyone! It's not just a fantasy...because I can make it a reality.

I love fantasy art..it is so inspiring and gives me lots of ideas....Thus it is like Positive Art which helps me visualize the best in things around me. Positive movies, paintings, songs, buildings, poems, stories, ..and more.

In keeping with my theme:I will attempt to always keep the sunshine in my heart and share with others the cool breezes of my smiles as much as possible.

I will Visualize the good things and dream how to be amazing so I can make it a reality! :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mistakes are how we learn

Learning anything comes with it's challenges. Making mistakes is just part of the program. Some learn quicker and some are a little slower. I find I end up making mistakes usually because I hurry or don't plan ahead well. Getting enough sleep the night before helps as well.

This morning I was tasked with giving an inspirational opening to a Toastmaster meeting. I had committed to bringing some food to the session. One of my roles this year in the club is to act as the Membership officer of the club and provide welcome packets to guests and help them fill out paperwork if they decide to join. We have some great welcome packets which I usually have 2 or 3 handy to give out to any visitors.

Last night I went to bed quite late due to working on another project. It definitely came back to haunt me in the morning. I finally chose my subject for the 1-2 minute inspirational topic. It was a wonderful poem by Charlotte Bronte about Life: http://www.online-literature.com/brontec/3074/ March is Women in History month and I chose Charlotte's poem. The very last line is: " For gloriously, victoriously,Can courage quell despair! " I just loved the way the poem ended.. I had a great time reading it to everyone even though halfway through the short poem one of our members knocked over a cup of water with ice and it went flying across the table. I paused and laughed and went on.

Back to my topic about making mistakes...I was concentrating so hard on choosing just the right reading that I completely forgot to bring one of the food items and the welcome packets. We did have two guests who decided to join up. It all worked out alright in the end as we rounded up some forms and promised to followup with the welcome packets for next time. Although I made a mistake and forgot some things I did remember the value of making checklists for next time. That should help alleviate this and make the next experience much smoother. ....not to mention getting enough sleep the night before...which by the way it looks as though I may need to relearn that lesson tonight for tomorrow..or should I say this morning?

Mistakes are how we learn to grow....my goal is make very few of them ...but not to let them stop me! ...the photo in this entry was a successful one but only after many others which did not turn out very well...but I'm glad I kept clicking....it is of a sunset in DesMoines, Washington over Puget Sound.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fear of Success?

Why would someone fail because they have a fear of succeeding? That sure sounds like an Oxymoron...doesn't it? But it is very real and happens to be one of the barriers to success. It's really about a lack of self-confidence in that if once you succeed more will be expected...and how will one manage that? More pressure, more expectations, more stress....but wait. If we have a passion for something then we shouldn't fear succeeding...(assuming it is not a dangerous or destructive passion - I do have to make that qualification - this is a place for positive thinking about positive things).

I read something the other day that struck me as quite wise....It was from my favorite blog on positive thinking and the article was about a timeless tip than can make your life a whole lot easier - here is link to the whole article if you would like to read it: http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2009/03/06/one-timeless-tip-that-can-make-your-life-a-whole-lot-easier/

In summary, the article discussed the idea that we can control our action but not necessarily the results of the action...you take an action about something that you believe in...you put yourself out there and your motive is pure...to share information, to enlighten the world...but whether or not that objective is reached is beyond your control. Yet it is important that you do something because doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. Don't attach yourself to the result...instead attach yourself to the action. Focus on what you are doing more than on the results.....I think the article does a better job than I do explaining this idea but I liked it.
A practical example might be a rose garden. When planning a rose garden it's hard not to think about the result because of the beauty you expect. However, if you don't focus on the action of actually ordering and planting the rose itself you will not succeed.....if you fear it will be too much work when it is done you will not succeed.... if you focus on the action of getting it done...you will succeed and you will not be so worried about what happens when you do!

When you put things in motion..the last thing you want to do is fear you will succeed.....so focus on getting the job done and it will be a lot easier on you...it will also be much more fun. If more work comes your way because you succeeded...you can cross that bridge when you get to it....it is not as difficult to cross as you may think...especially if it is something you are passionate about.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Followup on my Courage Speech

The speech was delivered ...that's about all I can say. I had way too much material and so I found myself digressing a little. I had a Yin Yang analogy with Fear on one side and Courage on the other...you can't have one without the other but they are polar opposites.
There was a lot in the speech for the short time frame I had and probably should have given myself another week or so to think it out more but it is what it is. I'll be working on it some more since I will be delivering it again soon.....for another venue. I discovered a lot of ways to look at courage and kept coming back to how many places I can find it in myself and others to. A friend gave me some feedback that maybe I should use the Encouragement idea more as a theme....we will see.... In any case...a focus on courage rather than fear may be the positive result and learning out of this. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

What is courage?

Today's entry is a commentary on courage and preparation for a speech I hope to make this week at my local Toastmasters club. For those that may not be familiar with Toastmasters it is a very positive non-profit organization which focuses on helping people be the best communicators and leaders they can be! They have member clubs throughout the world and for as little as $4.50 per month they provide an environment of learning like no other I've seen.

There are manuals that are part of the learning. The basic manual goes over the basic skills. I am planning to speak out of one of the basic manuals for my speech this week on the subject of courage. My objective is to persuade others to take action when action is needed. The timing on this speech is a 5-7 minutes.

Some brainstorming thoughts on courage...it can come in many forms...liquid courage, naive courage, desperate courage are some forms. It's not always about a conscious choice. It's about doing what's needed when it's needed. It's about returning things that you've found, it's about taking time to help someone in need, it's about facing up to your shortcomings as well as taking opportunities to grow!

It's about knowing your weaknesses...like Peanut Buster Parfaits....and turning them into strengths....taking time to enjoy a treat with a friend.....

I've thought more and I think it's interesting how the word courage is in the middle of the word encouragement...don't you? Here is a great site on the topic of encouragement: http://encouragement-wired.com/default.aspx I get the newsletter and it is amazing the stories of people overcoming adversity that get posted here.

More brainstorming - courage is about being little but acting big, it's about the wisdom of not being too wise not to act, it's about so many things. There is an element of courage in all virtues and positive values: compassion, love, persistance, integrity, hope, etc.......sometimes the more we know the less we want to act....for fear of doing the wrong thing....the opposite of courage is fear. Courage is within us, around us and compels us.

Some short clippings from my past on courage....the courage to memorize my math times tables, spelling words and catechism lessons to compete in a contest! The courage to walk to school alone. The courage to learn something new and know you can do it. The courage that comes from someone believing in you despite your misgivings. The courage to step up to the plate and bat the ball, to step onto a court and swing the racquet, to strap on those roller blades and go skating, to pull on those ice skates and go gliding, to do almost any sport for the first time....

What is courage? I'm still working on it...more later...:)

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