Am I POSITIVE? - Yes, I am!!!!! Optimism is good for everyone! It's not just a fantasy...because I can make it a reality.

I love fantasy art..it is so inspiring and gives me lots of ideas....Thus it is like Positive Art which helps me visualize the best in things around me. Positive movies, paintings, songs, buildings, poems, stories, ..and more.

In keeping with my theme:I will attempt to always keep the sunshine in my heart and share with others the cool breezes of my smiles as much as possible.

I will Visualize the good things and dream how to be amazing so I can make it a reality! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Light your day with Smiles

Identify at least 20 + ways to reduce stress by focusing on what makes you smile. These are opportunities for both Home and Work implementations.. I thought I would publish my list because I was reviewing it today and I'm way past 20! Just reading the list makes me smile.

1. Jasmine (my daughter)

2. Ron (my guy)

3. nature walk

4. flowers

5. rollerblading

6. music pachebel

7. swans

8. photography

9. calligraphy

10. jewelry

11. sparkles

12. sunsets or sunrises

13. Fire in the fireplace

14. little red doll I made (make more!)

15. valentines

16. gazebos

17. french doors

18. Little cottages

19. Beaches

20. Palm trees

21. writing card or letter

22. making gifts for people

23. scrapbooking

24. markets

25. candles

26. clean room

27. other people smiling

28. my mom's talents and smile

29. my dad's smile and organization skills

30. my sister Kathy's talents and patience

31. inspirational cards/posters/photos

32. birthdays, mine and others

33. exercising with Karlyne

34. shopping at Costco with Ron

35. Ron's dinners

36. Watching Soccer

37. Movies - Charming dramas,mystery

38. Movies - good music - August Rush (music)

39. Music - Classical, Easy Jazzy, Pop Rock,

40. Music - Christmas, choirs,

41. Music - Strings - Guitars, Violins, Bass,

42. Music - Flutes, Harps, Dulcimers

43. Music - Bells

44. Music - Church singing

45. Mexico

46. California

47. Arizona

48. Florida

49. Washington

50. East Coast USA

51. West Coast USA

52. Oregon

53. Waterfalls

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Light of the day

Decided to change my blog header photo to something more appropriate to thinking positively. Of course I love quotes that are uplifting as well. When I get up in the morning I love to see the sun rising if I can. Our bedroom has a window which faces east, making that much easier to do for the most part. However, this is Seattle and there are many gray and foggy mornings. Surprisingly, there are many sunny and bright mornings as well in the area. The one thing I do when I'm on vacation is watch the sunset. I'm usually too tired to see the sunrise and sometimes the sunsets are just easier to see since the sun sets in the west and we tend to vacation on the Pacific Coast.
Here is a great photo of a sunrise I caught on a recent vacation in the Cruise port coming into Mazatlan.
Talk about lighting the day. It was a great start to a fun day. I wish I knew the answers to lighting tomorrow with today for everyone. I know that the seeds we sow each day are what germinate and manifest themselves for the future. I'm a strong believer in the thought that letting your light shine through each day can't help but light tomorrow for you and those around you. Doing something nice today...what a great idea!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Gratitude Dance

I'm on twitter now and as of this morning I'm trying to send my blog posts RSS feeds to the twitter feed. I'm experimenting with the best way to use it and thought one good way to use it is to get a direct feed to twitter of my blog posts. So far it hasn't updated yet...not sure how it works. However, as I was up on Twitter I noticed a post from my friend Theresa, which really made my day.

Her post linked to a site which showed a video of two guys who made up this dance called the gratitude dance: http://daily.finerminds.com/spirit/gratitude/the-gratitude-dance-you-dont-even-need-rhythm-to-do-this/ . I loved it and it really made me smile. I think it will make you smile too.

Considering that I'm sitting here with a broken leg and it still made me smile I figured that qualified it for a pretty good entry. I was thinking, I'm grateful that I only broke one leg! Even though my soccer days are numbered now...I think zero would be that number...:) I am grateful I got to play for a few games before my injury. It was so much fun. I have to admit that my bones are just too soft for me to take any more risk of injury to play again. That's just the breaks. (ha, ha).
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