Am I POSITIVE? - Yes, I am!!!!! Optimism is good for everyone! It's not just a fantasy...because I can make it a reality.

I love fantasy art..it is so inspiring and gives me lots of ideas....Thus it is like Positive Art which helps me visualize the best in things around me. Positive movies, paintings, songs, buildings, poems, stories, ..and more.

In keeping with my theme:I will attempt to always keep the sunshine in my heart and share with others the cool breezes of my smiles as much as possible.

I will Visualize the good things and dream how to be amazing so I can make it a reality! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Unexpected

Mischief is on the left with her little sister, Minka on the right.

Sometimes unexpected things happen and they make us sad. Last night a raccoon attacked one of our cats, Mischief. She was backed into a corner and got badly mauled. She was put down. She was in her later years being 13. It was sad and unexpected. Moments like these make us pause and appreciate the times we had with Mischief. She will be missed. It's the good memories that should linger now...nothing can be done about the past....but the mourning is still needed. A Time to feel sad is needed for healing and to remember the good. Her sister was not hurt because she happened to be out of the area at the time.

Rest in Peace, Mischief.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Bless her heart,R.I.P. sweet lady....you were loved!

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