Am I POSITIVE? - Yes, I am!!!!! Optimism is good for everyone! It's not just a fantasy...because I can make it a reality.

I love fantasy art..it is so inspiring and gives me lots of ideas....Thus it is like Positive Art which helps me visualize the best in things around me. Positive movies, paintings, songs, buildings, poems, stories, ..and more.

In keeping with my theme:I will attempt to always keep the sunshine in my heart and share with others the cool breezes of my smiles as much as possible.

I will Visualize the good things and dream how to be amazing so I can make it a reality! :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Positive Entry 2010 - 6 - Fly to find yourself


This is a Youtube video called 'Fly' I found when I was surfing the web after a relative sent me a wonderful song about Oregon...:)

This is inspirational in that the message is about finding yourself and being the best you! I love that message!




DeniseinVA said...

This is a great post Maria, and I loved that video, thank you and thanks for stopping by :)

Theresa said...

Be the person I was meant to be - love it!

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