Her post linked to a site which showed a video of two guys who made up this dance called the gratitude dance: http://daily.finerminds.com/spirit/gratitude/the-gratitude-dance-you-dont-even-need-rhythm-to-do-this/ . I loved it and it really made me smile. I think it will make you smile too.
Considering that I'm sitting here with a broken leg and it still made me smile I figured that qualified it for a pretty good entry. I was thinking, I'm grateful that I only broke one leg! Even though my soccer days are numbered now...I think zero would be that number...:) I am grateful I got to play for a few games before my injury. It was so much fun. I have to admit that my bones are just too soft for me to take any more risk of injury to play again. That's just the breaks. (ha, ha).
Maria - you crack me up! I guess I must really be your best friend though, since I read your blogs and comment on them :-)
Yes, indeed...:) You are right up there, Theresa!
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