Am I POSITIVE? - Yes, I am!!!!! Optimism is good for everyone! It's not just a fantasy...because I can make it a reality.

I love fantasy art..it is so inspiring and gives me lots of ideas....Thus it is like Positive Art which helps me visualize the best in things around me. Positive movies, paintings, songs, buildings, poems, stories, ..and more.

In keeping with my theme:I will attempt to always keep the sunshine in my heart and share with others the cool breezes of my smiles as much as possible.

I will Visualize the good things and dream how to be amazing so I can make it a reality! :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunflowers bring sunshine

I'm always happy to get flowers...of any kind. I love flowers because they are so beautiful and they just make me smile. I know that they don't last and that maybe money is better spent on something more practical. I'm not sure how you measure the value of making someone smile for a second, a minute or longer. I think a smile however fleeting is worth a beam of sunshine...at the very least. It seems appropriate to me to call all flowers sunflowers! However, that term does go to some very special flowers that remind us of the sun....the golden rays coming out from the center.

I believe that flowers are full of a positive energy and that when we share flowers with others that we are sharing that energy. You can see this energy because it manifests itself in a smile. So go ahead and give someone some flowers today. It is a burst of positive energy that will leave you both with a happy expression on your faces.....

Flowers are like music for your attitude!


Angie Ledbetter said...

Those are GORGEOUS! Thanks for stopping by my blog. ;)

Janie said...

lol I just recently bought some red mums! They are so full and pretty. I smile when I look at them. I also bought another one to give to someone who lost her 14 year old grandson. She was very pleased and said when they bloom she will think of him. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Janie

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