Am I POSITIVE? - Yes, I am!!!!! Optimism is good for everyone! It's not just a fantasy...because I can make it a reality.

I love fantasy art..it is so inspiring and gives me lots of ideas....Thus it is like Positive Art which helps me visualize the best in things around me. Positive movies, paintings, songs, buildings, poems, stories, ..and more.

In keeping with my theme:I will attempt to always keep the sunshine in my heart and share with others the cool breezes of my smiles as much as possible.

I will Visualize the good things and dream how to be amazing so I can make it a reality! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A 'Christmas' Meme or Game

Hello and Happy Holidays!

Oh I love this little game..it's easy just think of what you would put here for your favorite Holiday things,

I'm including this little sentiment in my Christmast cards this year!

Christmas :

C- Christ's birthday celebration
H- Happy faces and stomaches
R- Red ribbons and bows
I- Icicles sparkling in the snow
S- Silly white elephant gifts
T- Taking time to give to those less fortunate
M- Mulled Wine or Cider
A- Angel treetoppers
S- Simple little things

I have the Serenity Gate blog to thank for this entry! Please visit Barbara at: http://theserenityroom.blogspot.com/2008/12/c-is-for.html The Christmas music is great too...and leave me your words!


Angie Ledbetter said...

Good ones. Love the vintage postcard image too.

Barb Davis said...

Love you Christmas meme!

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